Feasibility Study
Destination Management Organisations play a key role in developing tourism locally; destinations are the places that people want to visit and experience; they are the heart and soul of the visitor economy and because they are diverse, they don’t always fit neatly into county borders or within public sector administrative boundaries. They may cover a single destination or a number of smaller destinations with a strong overall identity.
Many BIDs are closely involved with their Destination Management Organisation, others less so, others actually manage the local Destination Management Organisation. c50% of all BIDs are involved with their local organisation in one form or another and the BID sector would expect to see growth in this activity; indeed, the percentage involved has increased by over 20%, 2017 – 2018.

Examples of Tourism BIDs
Business Improvement District
Great Yarmouth
Current BID term: 2016-2021
BID Background: Great Yarmouth BID has delivered a range of initiatives aimed at making the town centre a safer and more attractive place for people to live, work and visit for the last ten years. On the 25th February 2016 a ballot of town centre businesses on whether to renew the Great Yarmouth BID (gyBID) for a 3rd 5-year term resulted in a majority voting ‘YES’. The ballot, which was carried out by Great Yarmouth Borough Council, saw a turnout of 38% with 86% voting in favour of the BID proposals by number and 94% by total aggregate rateable value of the votes cast.
BID Levy: A BID levy of 1.5% of rateable value is charged on all rateable properties. Levy will be reduced by 0.5% for all businesses located west of Haven Bridge and north of Vauxhall Bridge and those whose shop fronts are located within a managed shopping centre including Market Gates and Victoria Arcade.
BID Members: The BID currently has c191 members.

Key work programmes: An annual events schedule is designed to increase footfall and dwell times throughout the year, including an emphasis on school holidays. Dedicated and updatable information page on town centre website for each Great YarmouthBID premises. The annual Christmas shopping and events guide includes a guide to the town centre and descriptions of its shopping areas. A high-profile Christmas trading campaign seeks to deliver increased marketing and events at the height of the peak shopping period. Summer campaigns promote the town centre to c5 million annual visitors. The BID supports car parking initiatives, such as the ‘First Hour Free’ scheme and free parking at weekends. Increased street entertainment and performers enhance the visitor experience. There has been development in the use of social media to promote Great Yarmouth in general and the events being held to the public.
A Street Warden team dedicated to the town centre BID area. Retail radio link with over 100 users including shops, wardens and police. Town wide exclusion scheme for tackling shoplifters. Exclusive access for BID levy payers to database of offender including photographs (SIRCS). Regular training sessions are held to assists members with shoplifting and security issues. Direct communication via the retail radio link with the town centre CCTV control room. Licensed premises radio link ‘NightSafe’ to promote a safer town at night. The BID works in Partnership with Police and local authorities to promote all aspects of community safety.
Business Improvement District
Current BID term: 2016-2021
BID Background: The first Brighton BID was introduced in September 2006 and consisted of around 300 traders all located in the heart of Brighton – parts of the North Laine, North Street and parts of The Lanes. During April 2011 the businesses in the BID were re-balloted, along with the addition of traders in Western Road and Preston Street to see if there was an appetite to enlarge the BID area.
In March 2016, those businesses were balloted again to find out if they wanted to continue investing in Brighton City Centre. The vote was positive and on the 1st July 2016 the new BID came in to being. It will last for 5 years until 2021 and encompasses 517 city centre retail and hospitality businesses. The BID covers Western Road, Preston Street, North Street, parts of both The Lanes and The North Laine.
BID Levy: The BID levy will be equivalent to 1.25% of the non-domestic rateable value charged on all qualifying hereditaments.
BID Members: The BID currently has 517 members.

Key work programmes:
- To enhance the safety of Brighton city centre with a uniformed on-street Ambassador service.
- To deliver an annual display of Christmas lights throughout the city centre BID area.
- To dress the city in the summer months to extend the ‘festival feel’ to September.
- To continue to help businesses make significant savings on their overheads by using the buying power of over 500 members to reduce costs.
- To promote Brighton city centre as a brilliant place to shop and visit.
- To give businesses in the BID area a voice to lobby the local authority, police and central government, where appropriate, and play a full part in deciding how the city centre is managed.
Business Improvement District
Plymouth Waterfront Partnership
Current BID term: 2017-2022
BID Background: The Waterfront Business Improvement District (BID) has been in operation since April 2012 and is delivered through Plymouth Waterfront Partnership Ltd (PWP), a not-for-profit PLC.
Plymouth Waterfront businesses voted in favour to renew the BID for a further five years of the Business Improvement District in March 2017 and the BID will operate until the end of March 2022. PWP works in close partnership with the Plymouth City Centre Company BID, Destination Plymouth and Plymouth City Council.
BID Levy: Businesses are currently paying a 1.5% Levy based on their rateable value.
BID Members: The BID represents more than 900 businesses across four square miles of the Plymouth Waterfront area.

Key work programmes:
- To support delivery of the Plymouth Marketing Plan and maximise cruise ship benefits, tour group opportunities and conference tourism for Plymouth to increase overnight stays.
- Leverage the benefits from the Mayflower 400 and deliver new funding grant, visual art and arts festivals.
- Expand annual events, create new monthly markets and enhance Christmas experience.
- Further improve cleansing and explore an improved waste collection system.
- Champion enhancement of The Hoe’s planting and street furniture and enable facilities for public use. Improve Day, Evening and Night time coordination, enhance CCTV and introduce taxi marshals.
- Support enhanced boulevard connectivity with the City Centre using Armada Way, Millbay and Bretonside.
- Invest in a new digital App, walking trails, cycling links, signage and visitor interpretation and explore an Integrated Transport System involving bicycles, buses and ferries.
- Seek BID member benefits that provide savings on business costs including utility bills and waste.
- Engage, support and empower the Plymouth business community to invest in the Waterfront including crowd funding and volunteering initiatives.
Business Improvement District
Bournemouth Town Centre
Current BID term: 2017-2022
BID Background: In 2007 two local business organisations submitted proposals for a Business Improvement District (BID) for Bournemouth town centre. The resulting feasibility study reported that a BID would be positive for businesses. It also showed there was the potential to develop a second BID. Local business leaders were consulted on which they believed would be beneficial. As a result, the Bournemouth Borough Council agreed to fund the development stage of two BIDs. It was agreed that local businesses would control how this funding was spent, ensuring the projects were business-led from day one.
Two BIDs were launched. The Town Centre BID in the wider town centre area and the Coastal Districts BID along the coastal strip from Hengistbury Head to Westbourne. In May 2012, proposals to establish the Bournemouth Town Centre Business Improvement District (BID) were approved, and in May 2017 a further vote was taken with 78% by number of businesses and 89% by rateable value voting yes for the BID. On top of the levy contributions, additional funding is raised through voluntary contributions, sponsorship and matched funding for specific projects.
BID Levy: The BID charges 1.5% of the Rateable Value of each eligible business within the BID area.
BID Members: 700 businesses within the BID area.

Key work programmes: Develop and fund major marketing activities, specifically designed to attract visitor’s day and night, all year round. Use TV, radio, press, leaflets, promotions, banners and guides to put the town centre at the forefront of people’s mind.
Invest in street, community and cultural events aimed at creating a welcoming atmosphere to encourage visitors and residents into the town centre to eat, drink, shop and meet friends. Sponsor or create new events to reach different audiences and benefit our levy payers during the low season. Spread events into other areas of the town.
Provide an enhanced cleaning and litter collection service to ensure the town is clean and attractive. Increase the focus on doorways and alleyways, where rubbish is often allowed to build up. Work with partners to bring more colour and decoration to neglected street. Work with partners on dedicated town centre clean ups and restoring pride. Lobby the council for public realm improvements and repairs. Encourage landlords to improve the physical state of town centre properties.
Explore solutions for the delivery of a co-ordinated trade waste collection service, bringing costs down for levy paying businesses.
Business Improvement District
Bournemouth Coastal
Current BID term: 2017-2022
BID Background: The Coastal BID runs from Westbourne to Hengistbury Head. It is one of two BIDs voted through by Bournemouth businesses in April 2012. In this ballot, 73% of those who voted supported the creation of the BID. The eligible businesses within the Coastal BID area have a total rateable value of £30 million. Between 2012 and 2017, the BID invested around £3 million in improving business opportunities in the BID area.
BID Levy: The Coastal Districts BID will be funded by a 1.5% levy on the rateable value of all the eligible businesses in the BID area. Over 50% of the businesses will contribute less than £300 a year.
BID Members: 760 eligible businesses.

Key work programmes:
- Increase the number of people visiting Bournemouth off-season and persuade them to stay longer.
- Encourage visitors and local people to explore more of the unique coastal strip.
- Provide visitors and local people with reasons to spend more in local coastal businesses.
- Improve everyone’s experience and to encourage repeat visits.
- Help make your business more profitable by negotiating discounts with key suppliers.